
Welcome to austinagrodolce … My family and I garden with more intention and enthusiasm than allocated budget or overall design plan. It shows. Wildlife populations don't seem to notice our lack of cohesive design, they just like the native plants here. It seems by growing local we've thrown out a welcome mat. Occasionally, we're surprised at who (and what) shows up.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fly Overs and Hangers On

Continuing my efforts to record not just what is in bloom here, but who my visitors are.  In no particular order...
Orange Sulphur - perhaps a Sleepy Orange Sulphur (Eurema nicippe) Update:  Now believe this to be an Orange-barred Sulphur (Phoebis philea).
Snout butterfly (Libythean bachmanii) Their closed wings afford them camouflage as "dead leaves".
Teeny-tine crab spider (aka Flower Spider) Thomisidae, possibly misumessus?
Syrphid Fly (Palpada vinetorum) on Pyracantha blooms
Crab spider - Thomisidae
Tumbling Flower Beetle - named for it's behavior when netted.  It is black - the "color spots" are bits of clinging pollen from the Primrose blossoms.  
So very noisy overhead - four small planes flying in formation one way....
...then heading right back the other direction.
First Red Admiral Butterfly for the season (Vanessa atalanta)
Paper wasps - these had to go - they were building too close to the front door.
I originally thought this was Palpita kimballi but they don't occur in Texas.  Turns out this ghostly visitor resting on the coral yucca stalk is Stemorrahges costata.
Sleepy Orange  Orange-barred Sulphur and Crab Spider time-share.  Bees reportedly won't land on a flower that has anything obviously unflowerlike inside.  Some of these spiders can change color to "hide" while hunting, and will hold their long front legs out to mimic stamen filaments.  


Tina said...

Again with the remarkable photos--you have the patience of a saint, I think. I love that little spider--so pretty on that green leaf. And the primrose that hosts two renters--I love to see that in my own gardens.

TexasDeb said...

Tina: You may be ascribing a sweetness to me I in no way deserve. I characterize these efforts as not so much representing patience as they do muleheaded determination! Whatever it says about me, I am endlessly fascinated with the universe that might just escape notice without leaning over and looking in.

Debra said...

Hurrah for muleheaded photos and endless fascinations.
I love crab spiders though I am sure they are less popular with their victims. Of course anything I can identify always gets top marks just cuz.

TexasDeb said...

Debra: We are perhaps kindred spirits in that way. I develop a lasting fondness for anything I can identify (with extra happy points when I can immediately remember the name without having to scrape my memory barrel). Crab spiders? Check!

Cat said...

Y'all crack me up! Your muleheaded determination comment takes me back to what it was like to parent my daughter as a young adolescent! Friends would comment on my "patience" but I felt much like you...I'm just stubborn and determined :)
Hope your weekend has been enjoyable!

TexasDeb said...

Cat: Your comment hits the mule on the head. For me gardening is actually a LOT like wrangling an adolescent. I suggest, cajole, wheedle, insist, and yet the plants do (or don't do) whatever it is they are intent upon doing (or not doing). All that's missing are muffled sobs and slammed doors.

Mary Linton said...

Loving these comments! And those photos are beautiful. One of these days I'll have to get a real camera so I can properly document the fascinating little visitors to our garden. Love the Striped Sulphur!

TexasDeb said...

Mary: Welcome! You are too kind. I'm having a blast chronicling the pollinator party. You let me know when you get started - I'd love to see who comes to call.