
Welcome to austinagrodolce … My family and I garden with more intention and enthusiasm than allocated budget or overall design plan. It shows. Wildlife populations don't seem to notice our lack of cohesive design, they just like the native plants here. It seems by growing local we've thrown out a welcome mat. Occasionally, we're surprised at who (and what) shows up.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A city gal at heart

I don't think of myself as a country type (as in - city type vs.country type).  Not because I live in a large city, I most decidedly do not. No, I think of myself as a city gal mostly because I so thoroughly enjoy the perks that come right along with life in the 'burbs.

I'm talking about perks such as city water, paved streets, and proximity to the grocery store, pet store, bank and library.  I can do most anything I need or ever want to do all while dealing with businesses situated less than 5 miles from our house.

As much as I might enjoy and even insist we are living La Vida Ciudad however, there are those moments I think to myself I may not have quite nailed that designation.
Like today, when these freelance landscapers showed up for the early shift.   They bring a whole new level of meaning to the idea of "edible landscaping".

I am never quite as stealthy as I think I am being, and this especially frisky crew quickly decided to move further on down the line where there were fewer to no folks balancing cameras while liberally sloshing coffee on their driveway.
I feel a lot less urban, under the circumstances.


Tina said...

Those deer are quick!! My husband watched a doe with twins and a yearling last night for about 20 minutes on his parent's lawn in northwest hills (Austin). We don't have deer, but do have a gray fox family and I walk out every evening at about 10 to catch a glimpse.

TexasDeb said...

Hi Tina! There seem to be lots of twins this year. More rain means more food and more food I guess sets things up for more twinning.

I'd be out every night for a fox family, too. I'm a little jealous! Are you ever able to get photos?

Tina said...

I haven't tried to get any photos--they lurk in the shadows, dart across the streets and generally are very shy. Neighbors have seen them during the day from time to time, but not I. They are cute though, with their fluffy tails and perky ears. It has been a real treat to have them around. And, it seems our mouse/rat population has declined--always a good thing.

TexasDeb said...

Tina - not exactly prime photography conditions, I'd agree. Giving you an enthusiastic "amen!" to the declining mouse/rat population whatever the reasons. Some fauna are not nearly as welcome as others!