Exhibit A: Yesterday I made stock. Nothing remarkable about that, although by golly this batch was photogenic starting out. However, I promise you I did not stir or season or check the fluid levels in that pot one single time without feeling extraordinarily pleased with myself, and hearing my own voice sing-songing in my head "I'm making stoh-ohck!".
Exhibit B: Today I went ahead and bought Halloween Candy. We have a diminishing number of trick or treaters in our neighborhood, changing demographics, overall decline in kids who go door to door as opposed to attending parties, whatever. I still like to have something on hand but it was not until after I'd gotten home and was putting the candy in a safe (read:out of sight) place so it would actually still be around by the end of the month that I noticed what I'd done. Yup, that's right. I bought both Dum-Dums and Smartees. Sigh.
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