In that spirit I will admit to you a very typical yo-yo week around here dinner wise.
One night we had Niman Ranch pork chops, grilled, with sautéed apples, asparagus and beer muffins.
My own mother had, as a result of a surgery meant to correct a progressive hearing loss decades earlier, a nearly complete inability to taste salt. That meant unless she was very careful, we all ended up with some pretty salty tasting meals. This iffyness put her off cooking somewhat, but she would reliably prepare beef stew for us about once a week the entire time I was growing up, and of all the things she cooked for us, I think her stew had to be a favorite.
Stew was one of the first meals I attempted on my own as a very young hostess, and I still feel most domesticated in certain ways when I have a pot of stew bubbling away, or safely tucked into the refrigerator, serving as potential for a nearly instant delicious meal whenever I need one.
As to the soda bread, in Ireland it is reportedly baked with great frequency as it does not keep particularly well. The third day after I'd baked it we still had a quarter loaf left so I decided to test out the premise that it makes great toast.
Here's your question to mull over and prompt sharing in the comments section for today. If you could never eat your Mom's home cooking again, what would you miss most? For me it is my Mom's Beef Stew. What is your favorite dish that Mom makes?
i have long missed my mom's curried chicken, and fried fish. no one could fry a fish like she could
Can you fry fish like she did?
i love this form of food blogging - documenting what you cooked, rather than vice versa. you're blessed to be living a part of the country where things are already blooming and bearing fruit. it's still very cold up here.
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