
Welcome to austinagrodolce … My family and I garden with more intention and enthusiasm than allocated budget or overall design plan. It shows. Wildlife populations don't seem to notice our lack of cohesive design, they just like the native plants here. It seems by growing local we've thrown out a welcome mat. Occasionally, we're surprised at who (and what) shows up.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In other news...

I've been eying these day lilies for weeks, watching as the buds formed.  They kept getting bigger and more colored until I could barely stand the wait any longer.  At first I'd hoped they would be around for GBBD on the 15th.  Then I didn't care, I only wanted them to BLOOM, dang it!  I wanted to SEE!!

I'd been forced to transplant them last year from where they'd gotten crowded out by ground covers run amok.  They'd already suffered being transplanted from front to back, after the deer proved themselves untrustworthy around the buds.

All that moving around in combination with drought and heat meant no blooms last year.   That made two years running I had day lily plants with no lilies to show for it. Impatient as I am I was quite ready to support any kind of bloom display this go-round.  And I did not wait in vain.  Ta daaaa!  Day Lilies!
The Jewels of Opar are more reliable bloomers.  Even when transplanted way past my usual "no-move" deadline of May 15th, they simply buckled down, put out a new crown of leaves and shot bloom spikes up towards the sun.
I find the tiny blossoms that then form even tinier berries in an assortment of colors, hard to capture in photos.  I promise you, the jewel tones of the berries (their name source I'm guessing) against the chartreuse color of the leaves is a stunner.  And they tend to self propagate in an area when left alone long enough, which is a trait I find especially endearing.
Yes, I'm cheap too.  Cheap and impatient.  Are you keeping track of this?  I can't do all your work for you, you know.
Other favorites of mine are the flowers on the 4 o'clocks (Mirabilis jalapa, or Pride/Marvel of Peru).  I realize they are considered weeds by most folk hereabouts, but I'd rather think of them as very pliable filler flowers.

The 4 o'clocks leaf out early and bloom prolifically until it gets too hot and dry, at which point I feel free to chop the plant tops off for a potential second showing later in the season. They reseed themselves abundantly but are so easy to pull out I never fret about them spreading where I don't want them.  I mean, look closely at that bloom...is it not delightful with those curly filaments?  I have white ones and pink ones both but the pinks are somewhat hardier and more prolific bloomers.  Yep, that difference between the two accurately predicts I like the white ones better as they are mysteriously trickier to get established.

Last but not least, a shot of my daughter's cat making sweet kitty face love with her shoes after she was out working in the garden.  Well, that's confusing.  Let me try again.  My daughter was out working in the garden, not her cat.  At least, not her cat.....yet.

If I already had cats trained to work out in the garden I'd be telling you all about that for darn sure.  That is while I wasn't busy counting my piles of money made off the "Your Cat Can Garden, Too" Feline Gardener Training Sessions.

Who wouldn't want a cat who would thoughtfully weed in between bouts of chasing off squirrels?  Nobody wouldn't, that's who.

Considering the need I'll be filling, the income generated by cats trained to garden and deer trained to eat nut grass (another work in progress) is bound to be substantial.  Once that starts rolling in, there'll be little else to do in my fantasy future other than counting then back stroking, through piles of my well gotten gains.

At these earliest conditioning stages, the cat's response to exposure to the gardening process looks something like this.  

So far, so good.  Gosh, I love science.  Have a lovely rest of your week!


Tina said...

I have the same lilies and they're generally very reliable bloomers. I planted some from my gardens in the Green Garden at Zilker well over a year ago and they're really beautiful this year. That Jewels of Opar is lovely--I've never grown it, but it looks like a good one. Nice kitty, too.

Joan @ Debt of Gratitude said...

I used to have daylilies, three houses ago. I'm not sure why I haven't bothered to plant some in my most recent two homes.

Oh wait . . . yes I am.


(I sure envy your garden, though.)

TexasDeb said...

Oh me oh my Ms Joan, you are a lot of things but lazy isn't one of them.

I don't know much about your current garden but I do know you have woods and water backing your place and I can garden 'til I'm blue in the face and never approach that sort of delightful backdrop. No matter what's in front of my fence there will always be streets and other folks yards on the other side.