
Welcome to austinagrodolce … My family and I garden with more intention and enthusiasm than allocated budget or overall design plan. It shows. Wildlife populations don't seem to notice our lack of cohesive design, they just like the native plants here. It seems by growing local we've thrown out a welcome mat. Occasionally, we're surprised at who (and what) shows up.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

And what's with that ruler, anyway?

Are you eating Frankenfoods?  Are you sure?
According to Green America's May 2012  issue, the following nine foods are the most prevalent genetically modified food ingredients currently sitting (unlabeled, there are no requirements to warn) on your grocer's shelves.
The chart (9 Ingredients to Watch) shows how long the crop has been genetically modified, how widespread it is now (be seated while reading this category) and the real deal sealer, "What to watch for" that delineates which products may include a particular GMO along with what monikers and acronyms to be aware of.
What is your GMO IQ?  I was generally aware of the prevalence of GM soy and corn, I know a coalition of Maine potato farmers have been battling to keep GM potatoes from upending their small scale and organic operations, but papaya and Aspartame as GMO products were surprises to me.

Yes, Aspartame.  How can an artificial sweetener be a genetically modified product?  Taken from  GMO Compass, in their GMO Database section,
"Gene technology
A building block of aspartame, the amino acid phenylalanine, may be manufactured with the aid of genetically modified micro-organisms (escherichia coli). This process has been used industrially in the USA for many years. "

Well, ick, y'all.  I'm not typically tempted to use Aspartame sweetened products in the first place, but if I was?   That tidbit of information would seal the non-use deal.  And yeah, I can't wait to drop that into the conversation the first time I spot anybody sucking down a diet drink.  Because I am that kind of helpful.  All the time.

You're welcome.

Y'all be sure to check out the link and read about what may be lurking in your pantry unbeknownst.   Whether or not you change your shopping habits, if your memory for numbers is better than mine you at least now have some starling information to casually insert into your next chat about food.

On another topic, this raises the question: Did I post this just for the opportunity to legitimately use "unbeknownst"?  Maybe....  If my suspicions are accurate, there is an unconscious style editor, one who is apparently smitten with archaic language no less, lurking about just waiting for chances to use terms such as "thrice" or "languish".  I picture her wearing her hair up, librarian style, wire rimmed glasses in place and for some strange reason she is waving a ruler around.   Hmmmmm.

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