
Welcome to austinagrodolce … My family and I garden with more intention and enthusiasm than allocated budget or overall design plan. It shows. Wildlife populations don't seem to notice our lack of cohesive design, they just like the native plants here. It seems by growing local we've thrown out a welcome mat. Occasionally, we're surprised at who (and what) shows up.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Maybe Katy Did

maybe Katy did not, but since I only saw one of these (as opposed to the hordes of tiny metallic black Altica litigata beetles and brightly striped baby grasshoppers I've been battling this week)... and since it was so very striking in all its glorious greeness?  I simply let this bug finish its salad in peace.

Identification Woes Continue:  I was pretty sure before I looked anything up that this was a Katydid.  Turns out there are Greater Angle Wing Katydids and Lesser Angle Wing Katydids and even, catch this, False Katydids.
I believe the one I caught munching away on my Four-O-Clocks (Mirabilis Jalapa) is a False Katydid.

As a "joke is even more on me" aside?  I was thinking, as I looked through the viewfinder, "I may not be a scientist but this is obviously a male. Watch out ladies - pretty impressive bug penis there".

Then I began my online investigations only to discover that no matter what type of Katydid this is, it is most definitely of the adult female persuasion. That impressive bug penis?  It is a characteristic "sword shaped egg laying structure".  Seriously, some days I wonder why I even try.


Tina said...

Well, her name is Katy, after all. I'm glad you let her finish her salad--everyone needs their greens.

TexasDeb said...

Tina: I have such a bumper crop of 4 o-clocks this year (maybe....too many??) so honestly, it was easy to share. I haven't seen signs of ongoing damage or any gathering hordes of Katydids, false or otherwise yet. So far, so good.

Debra said...

Laughing with -- not at -- you on the identification stuff. At this point I just allow the mistakes and know I am slowly learning something -- ok learning a LOT. Thanks goodness for whoever writes/edits the stuff at the A&M site. I planted 4 o-clocks for the first time this year and I am so happy at their ability to survive in the shade.

TexasDeb said...

Debra: Oh the identification hurdles we face! I am grateful for the TAMU site and BugGuide.Net and the others that help at least narrow the options.

Four-o-clocks reseed fairly prolifically, even in the shade. I don't mind at all. I cut down the ones I don't want and/or trim back the over enthusiastic ones knowing they'll be back. And their blooms - well worth waiting for.